One Lord, One Faith, One God


As an Ecumenical Partnership committed to maintaining our separate traditions whilst growing together, we can offer a range of services.


The Anglican tradition is for infant baptism, i.e Christening.  Parents would approach the Minister to discuss the possibility of having their child baptised.  The baptism would usually take place within a normal morning service, with invited relatives and friends, as well as the congregation, present and using the font, (a small stone basin).  The parents and Godparents would make the promises on behalf of the child.

The Baptist tradition is called Believers Baptism and is usually instigated at the request of the candidate for baptism, i.e. the person wishing to be baptised.  This process is not 'age-bound'; a person may feel ready to be baptised at 11 years of age or at 50 years of age, it is entirely their choice.  The candidate would make their promises for themselves.

An Anglican baptism involves the application of a small amount of blessed water to the candidate's head.  Believers Baptism usually involves the total immersion of the candidate in a special pool.


In the Baptist tradition, parents bring their child(ren) in thanksgiving for a service of  blessing and the dedication of parents.  This also takes place within a normal service with the parents dedicating themselves to teach the child(ren) the Christian faith.

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If you are interested in finding out more about baptism, please contact our Minister, Stella Olukanmi, on 020 8527 3969.

  • E17 6AR

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